Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Galveston Birding Vacation

Galveston, Texas is one of the top Birding locations in the United States. Even if you aren't an expert or die hard birding fan you will enjoy the beauty of the area and it's famous birds. Although the Spring and Fall offer an exceptional opportunity during the migration seasons, anytime of year you can see 1000s of birds all over the Galveston Island area.

Galveston has a great combination of habitats for many year around species and migrating birds making the annual trek between north and south regions. Birds migrate from Central and South America to Northern US and Canadian areas every year. Galveston is a natural stopping point due to it's abundance of food and habitant that is perfect for a short break.

Galveston is also both a wintering area for the far northern species and a permanent home for many wetlands and water loving species. Over 300 different species have been recorded during the year and up to 200 are typical during the migration periods in Spring and autumn.

The recent Hurricane Ike decimated Galveston Bolivar Iceland to remain close, with regard to all places, but it quickly returned to resident and there are plenty of birds. Many of the trips from Galveston to Bolivar and Anahuac visit by boat and offer the opportunity to see many unusual and rare birds.

There are guides that both 4 and 8 hours of trips by boat and on land to offer. Moody Gardens offer bird watching classes and offer a variety of backgroundsinformation on the different species that either live in the Galveston area year around or pass through during the migrations.

The local Tourist Information Center has information on many Birding locations, tours, and maps to let you plan your own bird watching tour. A simple drive to the west side of Galveston Island can offer many opportunities to see unique birds and other local animals. Wander through the back roads along the northeast side of the island in the bay areas and you can Discover a wealth of interesting landscapes and birds.

It is a festival that happens every spring called Galveston FeatherFest that bird watchers from all over the world visit every year. In 2010, this event occurs on April 8 to 11 and provides over 100 different itineraries, activities and events during the three days. Registration is $ 10 and the various visits and events run $ 10 to $ 50 depending on the case.

There are also photography classesand classes specific to the area and photographing birds. Information about special equipment, technical advice on both shooting and editing digital photos, and artistic methods to capture the best images are offered. This Photofest within the Galveston FeatherFest attracts both photography buffs and birding hobbyists.

You can register and find out more information at the Galveston FeatherFest by going to their website. They have an excellent map of the area with points of interest for Spotting birds and various times of the year, which are the best. Although each area is located along the bay on the north side of the island, good for watching all kinds of wild animals.

Even if you do not participate, the Galveston FeatherFest, usually you can have many different areas, abundant wildlife, is to see the fun. Explore some of the many Bay Area offers many opportunities to see beautiful places that most tourists miss. If you go by boat or by land, you cansome of nature's best areas and the natural beauty of Galveston.

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